The film "Oro Arrowhead" tells the story of Jim Powell, who accidentally learns that his father has been secretly searching for an artifact that keeps the local town in tension. This artifact is depicted on the booklet as an arrowhead drawn in orange pencil. Jim begins to question the townspeople about him, but their strange reactions and desire to escape immediately only heightens his curiosity. Deciding to follow the path indicated on his father's map, Jim begins an exciting adventure. Along the way, he meets Gola, a half-Indian woman who turns out to be very capable and clever. At first, conflicts arise between them, but later they understand that they share a common interest in searching for an artifact. Gola has her own reasons for taking part in this journey, and her knowledge of the area and history becomes indispensable to the success of their mission. Along the way, Jim and Gola face many challenges, including dangerous traps, cryptic clues, and unexpected advers...